Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Google Bomb - SEO trick!

I many times bursted the bomb long long ago without knowing thats what I was doing. Today, I got the terminology.

People now hotly discuss why the word 'failure' or 'miserable' failure in google's I'm feeling lucky takes to George Bush's Biography page at Whitehouse.

I think, this link will help in getting deeply about 'Google Bomb'


How does it work?

When many people associate a word with a link, the search engines consider that the word has more relevance with the link. So, the link is ranked highly for the word - it means, when you search for the word, the particular link will appear on top.

As many people associated the word 'failure' with Whitehouse website, the search engines ranked Whitehouse website to appear on top, when people search for failure!

Also, note that this is one of the optimization trick to gain more results on search engines!

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