Friday, December 31, 2004

Java, Karlo thunia muthimey...,

Oops!, I am totally emptied out of thoughts! Java Java Java, the only shouting !
Java has made a great influence over devices.I never thought of writing code for electronic devices.
Java has made it possible. Yes, J2ME the 'Smart way to mobiles ...', has introduced me a new trend of doing projects / stuffs over the Air !!! (wireless )
Hummm, again there are miles to go ..... before sleep......
Long Live Java.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wailing over the fate !!!

I always used to have a frown on my face, to take a look at the sea. Since, it is boundless and fearfull. Now, it happened !
The T-sunami swallowed more than laksh lives with in jiffies with out any compassion.I have no heart to watch all these pictures,photos and clippings depicted at the sunami spot. I should do some thing for the victim. I'll do.
God again I pray, "No one rescues the earth, except you!, Please save the earth."

Saturday, December 25, 2004

It has been changed !!

Yes, It has been changed.

* The way of emailing has been changed. [SMTP]
* Way of reading mails has been changed. [Evolution]
* Way of Reading books has been changed. [Googling]
* Way of working has been changed. [New diversification]
* Way of thinking has been changed [cvs,wget,perl]

Oh, God, keep atleast this mind to remain constant for ever. !!!!

soul-satisfying work

Channel-e, it comforts the heart . I lost the last week by thinking on channel-e. It has won more than 300 clients. The end-phase has become very strong than, what is aimed at the initial.
Thanks to all my fellow team mates, with out whom, it is merely a dream.