Friday, July 21, 2006

Rebirth of my blog!

This might be a renaissance for this blog! It really worries me to recall what happened few days back… here is just a flash-back:

When I tried accessing my blog page few days ago, the browser returned a null page; I thought it was because of some Gateway problem – as it happens sometimes.

Later, came to know that,, and 20 more other sites had been banned by Indian ISPs on the order of Govt. of India.

It stunned me. I have been writing blogs for more than couple of years; I usually have the habit of posting very good urls, technical solutions, photos, my likes, dislikes and other more important things in my blog site.

What happened now? Why is this all?

The Govt. would have received consequent threats from hackers and the likes. So, it would have decided to ban the kind of sites, which publish any kind of messages so openly [like blogspot]. As the Govt. issued order, the Indian ISPs such as Airtel, Sify banned these sites without even giving any notices to their subscribers or to press persons.

Later, it was realized that it was not the way it should have been done, and then the Govt agreed to lift the blockade on these sites. But, still there are sites remain banned as they are marked by the Govt.

This blockade is not the way in which this problem could be solved; there are billions of web pages over internet that fall in every kind of categories. No one can give statistics of what every page is all about.

The Govt. would have sought the help of Internet kings such as Yahoo, Google to get this issues solved. May be, some Ankit Fadia’s can come out with a web-filter, or a crawler to give right soultion! - Or something, that is really a reasonable solution which can give a permanent cure.

Technology is always much faster than what we think; The hacker’s brain is the most genius mind in the world I ever see; they will discover thousands of other ways to bring back whatever it is! – if you hide. :)


Sumithra said...

I was puzzled too about not being able to access any blog sites. Initially I thought blogspot might be having some problems and later (just like you) came to know what our er..government had done. God! do they even know how to spell internet? I still can't access blogspot directly - I'm using pkblogs.

Manivannan P said...

Yeah, it really worried me. Govt. would have consulted the experts (as like it does while solving other issues) before doing this.

You are still not able access it? Who is your ISP? I am using Airtel broadband.

Sumithra said...
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Sumithra said...

I am able to access today. :)
(ISP - Reliance)

பரத் said...

yup..They removed all the blocks