Monday, July 18, 2005

My recipe for making coffee...ha ha!

I am having headache for the past 4 days...I closed books and made
my simple recipe for coffee..



* This class defines core methods for making coffe.
* The variables 'sugar' and 'powder' are scaled interms of tea-spoon.
* (tea-spoon) size is purely platform and implementation
* dependent.
* variable 'milk' is scaled interms of class. (class size also
* platform and implementation dependent.)
* @author Manivannan
* @version 1.0


public class CoffeeMaker
private final int sugar;
private final int powder;
private final int milk;
private Coffee coffee;

* @param milk specifies the milk in class.
public CoffeeMaker(int milk)
this.milk = milk;
this.sugar = 3 * this.milk;
this.powder = 3 * this.milk

* @return coffee the coffee returned to the caller.

public Coffee makeCoffee()
return coffee = Coffee.mixIngredients(sugar,powder,milk);


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