Monday, March 07, 2005

Meet with people ..

Today, I planned to meet my juniors and talk to them about these issues:

1. Learning one slef & not wasting money & time for unwanted courses.
2. Importance of group activities and group work.
3. Tranforming the experience(or talent) from one generation to the youth generation.
4. Current IT trend and forseable opportunities.
5. Skills demanded and how to build them.

Bearing all these in mind, I went there. (I think it should be 2 BE CSE- C section.). Some of them seemed to be enthusiatic, some looked interestless and few remained speechless. I started to talk about the issues one by one, they listened to me keenly...
I asked them if they had any questions. They remained silence. I repeated the same. Few questions blown out. They are very fundo and thinking in base. I could realize that they were in a pre-matured state, willing to learn some thing, but without knowing 'How to'.
They are like fresh clay, they should be shapped, not for the favour of any tehnology/any corporate, but for the spirit of engineering.
I could do some thing for these guys..not to make them leant, make them how to learn...

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