Thursday, November 18, 2004

IBM, the pride of technology

I raise my eye-brows, when I see the big-icon IBM and its portfolio.I buy a floppy, the floppy contains IBM brand; I log into my server, it says "its by IBM"; I go to;

There I see, IBM takes its own pride, by topping the super computer Market !! It was NEC corp, leading the Super computer world with 'Earth Simulator'. Now it has been moved to position 3 and IBM takes its seat at first. 'Blue Gene' runs at 70. + Tera flop speed ! IBM sets the price of $1.2 million for Blue Gene.

Surprisingly, I noticed some other thing at Not only in Computer field,IBM does its core research at Maths, psychics, Chem, Bilogy ....Opps, IBM says "There is no limit to technology and we always get used to prolong our frontier" !

Ibm, the tech guru ?

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