Friday, March 07, 2008

Feeling free, peaceful..

I have lots of free time now; bad thing is, I don’t know what to do in free times; In the last ten years, I was rarely free. I was such an ignorant that I learnt to work and not to enjoy life. Whenever I get free time, I am stuck! If I think of at least doing my wish list stuff, then, definitely I will be screwed up technically. So, I don’t want to do that.

Music/guitar class, Hindi class, Painting class are in consideration.


prakash murthy said...


I came across your blog while googling for my friend Manivannan Ponnaiah :)

Nice posts.

However, for a guy who works at Oracle and has a long blogging history, you seem to come across as unnaturally inept technically due to the presence of the default links section (Google, link me, link me, blah blah) :)

Manivannan P said...

Hi Prakash,
Nice meeting you. thanks for ur comments! :-)