Friday, October 14, 2005

Point base, Random sequence

Now I rarely have chance to see errors!!. I am totally off from programming. Today I had a chance to debug some code. I was working with my friend's project and I used there Pointbase DBServer. (I was thinking to use it long.., it doesnt look good as oracle!! )
Then, Random Generator in Java. Its a really a cool implementation than C language. It uses system time for getting seed.. with interval of 1 milli second ( is that a loophole? )

God give me chance to see more codes, to debug more errors, to gain more knowledge.!!!


Ramprasad said...

Imagine life as a program (for your convenience Java) and try to debug it. You could also watch The Matrix for reference

Manivannan P said...

OK ram, I will think on the same.