I need to utter out something which I had in my mind so long. I often think to seek some companions to share this strange thoughts. It is none other than u that i want.
It is none other than your words, made me to getup and work for something towards something.
In fact, I have no destination of where to go & what to do in my future. I am just an inspiration driven and your spirit driven living. I never even thought of living here so long.
I would have lived in ur age..I would have lived along with you. I would have been laid on ur feet throughout my life.
In the long run of my age, I worried for many volatile things in life, ur words and advise protected me from the evils.
I still make my living blindly believing ur spirit and inspirations with my soul every now and then..
Sometimes I followed ur words, many time I just remembered you...Though ur words are not applicable for those, who involve in worldly life like me...
Now, see I become ur disciple.....
Samiji...I m going .....guide me...
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