Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The terms were different :-)

It was true that the terms we used today, were meant for different things, long back. Computers and Internet changed the life in an unpredictable way. I like the below forward mail.

I wish if the terms are reverted back :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: Govind
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: 25 Years Ago

25 years ago......

A program was a television show
An application was for employment
Windows were something u hated to clean
A cursor used profanity
Keyboard was a piano
Memory was something u lost with age
A CD was a bank account
If u unzipped in public u went to jail
Compress was something u did to garbage
A hard drive was a long trip on the road
Log on was adding wood to fire
A backup happened to your toilet
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
Cut, u did with scissors
Paste, u did with glue
A web was a spider's home
A Monitor was someone who used to keep watch on classmates in absence of teacher
A Desktop was desk's top surface.
And a virus was the flu!

Time surely has changed ………………

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

6 years after....

Few weeks back I went to my college, where I was 'educated'. There was going a faculty training program, sponsored by ISTE. They were looking for a guy to give a presentation on Networking & Webservices in J2ME and also to talk about J2EE in general. I agreed to speak, only because the audience would not be students; because I know, what the student’s mentality would be. The audience was mainly lecturers, few professors, and some M.E students from various colleges.

I reached Erode at morning 5.30. By 6'o clock, there was car to pick me up. I was dropped in Guest House, served breakfast and told that there would be a pick up to the venue at morning 8.30. A car dropped me in front of IT-Park! Some unknown fear and unknown silence started waving in heart. Because, that was the feeling I always had, when I was there 2 years back. History repeats itself!

I met few of my lecturers and professors whom I knew or who remembered me. Lots of people left the campus; hence most of the faces were quite new to me.

The venue was ITP - Seminar Hall 2. After briefing my self introduction, I just started the session….

“Java is yet another cancer (after Linux), it starts spreading everywhere today; Java runs in computer, laptop, big fat servers, my mobile, Tv, Smart Cards, Mars Rovar...and etc”

I gradually landed in J2ME. And discussed the architecture of J2ME and explained how stuffs are programmed in J2ME, with lots of sample snippets. After discussing various networking connections in J2ME, we went into SOA, and Web Services.

I don’t like to listen continuously and also don’t like to speak continuously in front of others; so I broke the session in every 20 minutes. I think it went around 3 hours. Later, we had a Q&A session on J2EE. Really, very curious people they are, they asked lots of interesting questions. I encountered lots of questions on EJB3.0, WEB 2.0, OR Mapping, J2EE Design Patterns scenarios – it is really a healthy situation that those people had spent time to know latest stuffs.

I extended the time to separately discuss J2EE architecture and what components to use at what situations. And also, discussed some architectural design patterns, like Middleware Oriented Architecture, SOA and etc.

After noon, I showed some demos, by loading the J2ME applications into my mobile and running some GUI, Networking applications in my mobile. They felt happy to see the theory was working!

I didn’t go and meet any students. I met some second year students, a month back. They were plain, without having any idea of what to do. But, I told them they would have very bright future than anyone else. Because, opportunities are hell a lot today, you can find another one as soon as you miss one. Getting a job won’t matter any more; But getting a job in your dream company, with fat pay, and interested technology will be tough, unless you work hard – this is what nowadays I say to whomever I meet.

In the evening, a car arrived to IT-Park for pick up. I was picked and the car started running towards Erode. I was filled up with lots of old memories on the way. I first stepped into the college by Aug 10th 2001; On that day, I was clueless, shy, and filled up with lots of questions about everything. I had only a blind confidence towards future. To be frank, I never thought I would live a life, that I am living today. 6 years gone now! I am happy with whatever I have done till today, and whatever the position I am in today.

I am no more connected to this college; but, I can’t deny the memories of those days, that often put me in an unknown silence.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Mind your Bandwidth

While hosting your web site, you need to optimize the data transfer, since bandwidth is very costlier to buy.

How bandwidth is calculated?

Bandwidth indicates the data transfer. Just in case if your site serves a single web page of size 100KB, and 15 users visit the site every single day, then the bandwidth is: 100KB * 15 = 1500KB per day.

Bandwidth Optimization tips:

  1. Keep the web pages as simple as possible. Do not put big image files on the web site.
  2. If you are very sure that the web site content is not going to change for certain period of time, then you can set the cache-expiry header in every web page. So, that the users will fetch the web pages from their local cache and hence the data transfer will be less.
  3. Suppose, if you need to display some images or documents from other sites, do not copy them in to your site. Instead have reference links to other sites,so that the partial traffic will be routed to other sites.If your site allows downloading, then zip the files and then transfer the zipped content. It may help to reduce the data transfer.

Chennai - 4th trip.

I went to chennai last week. No purpose; just to meet friends. Went to all the places, I usually like to go. This is my 4th trip to chennai, in this year. A last moment decision.

Some places remind me some people; I can't forget the 1.5 years, I stayed in chennai. Good moments, and lots of bad moments crushed my eyes. I dont have any job left over there, but I often wish to go to chennai - again, 'No purpose'.

Some snaps, taken using my mobile:

Brindavan Express - On the way.
Ragavendra Math - T.Ngagar
Ramakrishna Math - Mylapoer

Ramakrishna Math - Mylapore

Ramakrishna Math - Mylapore

From Photo gallery @ Vivekanandar Illam (Ice-House) - taken at Chicago Conference.

Vivekanandar Illam (Ice-House) - Marina Beach

Marina - Beach Road

Marina Beach