Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Diversification or Expertise?

Diversification or Expertise?

I often puzzled with this topic! What seems paramount in one's career?. I think that this question is applicable for any kind of professional domains. Let me think about my community alone, I mean this computer community.
I see continuous steady divergents in my career by technically & non-technically. Also this may be due to some mandatories or the immediacy of situtations or even the attraction towards some hot technologies.
Whatever may be!. Now I ask to my conscience. At last, what I have gained so far? What am I known for? (for diversifications :-)? ). This might be the billion dollar quesion on everyone's active brain!


I do agree with the term 'diversification'.As a student, having fresh brain, I didnt wish to restrict myself on some kind of computer stuffs alone. I have been exploring various nooks & corners of this computer technology and all I conclude is, I have surpassed a very little. This technolgy diversification is must for knowing the relation between various tiers and also will be helpful to work as individual. This kind of diversification really helped me to seek ideas for big problems & to plan for big solutions. Yes, I do agree with my ethics "Student should not be built for any corporate or as mender for any technology. They should know that there are many things behind this 'LPA' and 'White Collar' jobs "


I think that I am often worrying about this question, when I am trying a job. Since, there might be some position, that I have to mould myself to fit into. This time, I go behind the tail of some technology....then become disinterested & uninterested. All these are spoiling my career in some way.....
I have always been trying to fulfil this stand-off between the interest and career. Expertise is important, but it paints one's career with some color. Any way expertise brings light on one's window...but how far is the matter.

So, whats at last?

"Expertise is essential. Be an expert. But, still have the passion to learn, interest to diversify"

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Inner class, Garbage collection, string literal pool

There are many facts that I came to know about all these nuts. Getting confused in using inner class, and this sun tutor site gives idea,
Also, for clarifying garbage collection, I had a visit to JavaRanch site. I saw some replies were posted wrong..then IBM Developer work links cleared my doubts..I closed my window and forgot to note down the link! :-)
We were brainstorming with this String class, but the trick is 'String literal Pool' ! Also, the recent download of scjp guide is helpful for quick review.
Whom should I thank? Absolutely Google!, My freinds & circle sugesst me to improve my memory, else it may create problem. Yes, I could improve memory stability.
Now, I feel to take a break.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Days rolling busy?

I dont even find a minute to put some thing in this blog. What goes here? Nothing wrong, things go useful. Really this Training made me busy & useful in recollecting manythings.
I think now I am very much centered on Java alone. Training has ignited a new thread on learning java. Also, thinking of writing SCJP & not now. Will have to work out a lot, hope this holidays will help.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I see progress

I think nowadays I feel busy. (:-)) I have just recovered from all setbacks...and doing my work very faster with passion....(hope, this will continue for ever.)
I tried that Enterprise application, after crossing hell a lot of errors, now I am stuck! The Apps says some critical error message that "Bean class not found", How come? I imported all those packages...Ok, lets post this question in Javaranch and see what the people advise me.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Back to Javaranch

Again Java 3rd test ..not interested . Amazed to see this Ankit Fadia's resume at,
Then, whats hot? I am back to javaranch.com , after long break...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Mr.Hotmail's key issues.

Today almost wasted time in class except the java practice....I have loaded the questions in server. I should finish the Webservices & EJB practice with in this sat & sun day holidays....
And,I do agree with this Mr.Hotmail's perspective on Indian IT,
Feeling bore with classes ....going very slow ......and look lifeless.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Back to command line

Even though this Netbeans ide looks cool, it will be bad practice, if I directly put my head into it. First, have to hard code with Application server.
Direct interaction (thro command line) will help in understanding the grounds. Also, it'll feed the knowledge in switching between various application servers. So, I decided to take a break from Netbeans...& to join with Sun's App in command line mode.
Still I am not getting which Apps is good? (I mean widely accepted). Until I identify anything in specific, I will do war with Sun's Apps.
Mam gave us set of java questions.....(online). I didnt calculate my score now...But, I remember I was stuck at some questions. (I didnt review the answers yet... )


I have to collect things from Google for this 'Normal Forms' issues...Understood types of Normal Forms .....but not practically ....Have to try for some sample problems using Google.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Adopting Googlism

Having emailed Google's license key
I was grappling with Google, without knowing to get its license key for accessing Google thro Web API. I went thro complete FAQ column, then got solution . Then, Google emailed me the license key. I tried the demo program (GoogleAPIDemo.java), (with license key). it worked .
I passed the 2 options: 1. search 2. spell

Eclipse is on top of talk!
I see these people hotly discussing with Eclipse... (javablogs).But, I feel ok with Netbeans (4.1). Today, I installed mobile pack...still having to do a lot with it...

wget problem solved:
After getting reply from ILUGC, downloaded wget 1.92. Now problem solved. Also wget 1.9 for Windows also downloaded & got it working.

Get to know a lot about Googlism at this link,

Google cached my home
Google cached my home & returns in first hit,

Monday, May 16, 2005

Google WebService API Download

Google api downloaded

Today got downloaded Google's Web API (for SOAP, Java, .NET). Tried to run a sample Java code given in the download. But (delay or ) problem in getting licence key via email..Tomorrow have to try again.

java blogs daily archieve looks cool


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Eclipse Vs Netbeans Curve, Google WSDL Servicedemo

Eclipse Vs Netbeans:

Read this interesting Graph, (from Rouumen's blog)
Blue curve for Eclipse, Red for Netbeans ...It is some measure of topics that people disucss about.
Curve for Eclipse is already up, Netbeans is picking up (after its 4.1 release)

WSDL, Google client by Netbeans:

Here is to view flash demo of creating a WSDL client for Google WSDL Search service. (Using Netbeans)



J2EE, web service application with Netbeans ..
from this link,

Also, pdf from ..


Saturday, May 14, 2005

21 years gone in hurry?

Just before now I posted my previous blog. See, I saw the date ..14-05-2005?
Some thing popped in mind ....Remember Mani? this is 14th May!....Oops! Its my
21nd birthday .. I forgot this date even ...Now its evening 5.55PM.. Just now I
come to know today is my Bday.

Whats this life? full of hurry. Things roll on faster like anything.
I have just grown by an year.
I am not happy as like I was in last year....
I am not interested as like I was in last year .....
I see I loose interest in everything .... become mentally tortured...


I have to cultivate interest....I have to make this life more challenging
.....I have to make this mind to rest in peace ....

got Netbeans IDE being slow

I posted the previous blog by email. But, could have set in text mode
I got Netbeans in hand. But (un)expectedly it takes this much time to deploy a simple application (6minutes & 10sec)...But, the work is admirable.
Have to practice with Netbeans.
What happen to me? I feel this life empty ....suffering from mental
tension...I dont know how my time sucked...everything go in waste.
I feel responsible How to take position.

Ist post by Email, Netbeans IDE download

<DIV> <DIV class="messageinfo separator"></DIV> <DIV>This is my first blog submitted via email.<BR>Today, I used 'jedit' IDE, that looks cooler, but seems very slower. I have to get an IDE for java.<BR>&nbsp;But what to opt? Eclipse/Forte/JCreator/Netbeans ? atlast I launched downloader to rip Netbeans. there found 3 versions.<BR>1. netbean ide alone<BR>2. netbean for j2ee + AS8<BR>3. Mobile pack</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;I chose the 2 link. And have to download the 3rd one. Also, got the userguide from netbeans.org<BR>#</DIV></DIV><p> <hr size=1>Yahoo! Mail Mobile<br> <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/mobile/*http://mobile.yahoo.com/learn/mail">Take Yahoo! Mail with you!</a> Check email on your mobile phone.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

These java guys blog.

Real java aspirants should click at this link,

especially at this Mary's blog:

and Jame's bog:

links for java exam sample questions

This link should be really useful in all the ways for java guys

also, this one is for scjp questions

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

(PRP) and SCJP download

PRP session going nowadays. Today got materials from Office. They seem to be easier, but have to go through the books completely.
For RDBMS , I googled almost all the keywords. For Java, Mam told me to rip SCJP questions from www. The pattern gives more important for java (30%).
Hoping no problem in passing...But have to retain the fundamentals, even after the training.. Hoping to do so..
Got some questions of SCJP from this link,

Saturday, May 07, 2005

BE - 59 Escape Points crossed.

Today, did well the s/w testing paper. I am taking easy breath now.Here, I have the list of subjects that I liked most during this BE...

* Introduction to Computer Graphics
* Software Engineering
* Physics
* Data structure
* System Software
* Oops
* Theory of Computation
* Microprocessor
* Visual Programming
* Operating System
* Computer Architecture-2
* Computer Networks
* Unix Internals
* Principles of Management
* Web Technology
* Professional Ethics
* Software Testing

DSP and Probablity Of Queing theory are to be the toughest, I felt out of all. I have had very less interest in Electronics oriented papers. I didnt learn in deep about Telecom, which I expected most. Mainframe and Java Virtual are my missed electives.

Now, I am again curious in learning the fundoes. I just turns the
pages of 'The C Programming Language' by K&R...and thinking of reading Elmasri
(for DBMS)...again have to brush up SQL...